Branded content is the backbone of any marketing campaign. After all, materials that don’t make your product instantly recognizable may lose eyes or keep people from finding out more about you. This is, of course, a bad use of money and time on everyone’s part. With a few simple steps, however, you can ensure that your materials are increasing viewership to your products and shops, and viewers won’t be lost along the way.
Always Include Your Logo
Logos are one of the most essential building blocks to any brand. They allow for an instantaneous, recognizable connection to the view that often elicits memories and emotions associated with the brand. Needless to say, you want to include this piece of design on any marketing material that you may be putting out publicly.
Hint: If you don’t like your logo, you can always change it!
Always Include Alt Text With Your Images
Including accurate, human readable alt text with your media on any website that you have up is important for a variety of reasons. First, it helps with your search rankings. Second, it’s important for accessibility tools such as screen readers to work properly for people who may not be able to see the images on your site.
SEO is Key
There’s a common joke in marketing that goes, “how do you hide something to make sure no one will find it? Put it on the second page of Google.”
It’s a long standing joke, and it illustrates the importance of using proper search engine optimization (SEO) practices. That is to ensure that you’re able to get your site above the competition. And, of course, place it in front of as many eyes as possible with organic search traffic.
Some Common SEO Techniques Include:
Utilizing popular keywords and keyphrases. You can do this by getting a general idea of what people are asking.
Linking to your site and others.
Eliminate misspellings and other grammatical errors.
Keep it Simple
Normally, creativity is certainly important in marketing. And, it’s also wise to keep a balance between getting your audience’s attention and making sure they’re not distracted away from your message and what you’re trying to sell them. You can do this by keeping your actual branded content relatively simple. Posting your products in photographs with clean white backgrounds can be an example.
Also, try not to have too many flashy graphics (even if they relate to their brand). This can easily overwhelm anyone quickly scanning your content for important information.
Elevate Your Branded Content With 360 Product Video
Getting your marketing materials produced and published in a way that maximizes your search engine optimization doesn’t have to be difficult. Starting with a good agency that will give you a variety of high quality photos and videos is the first step, and 360 Product Video is here to do just that. If you have any questions for our experts, or would just like to receive a quote, visit our contact page or call us at 949-842-0658.
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